The IDEA Journey: Mapping Your Path to a More Inclusive Workplace

Embracing Allyship in the Workplace

Written by Lisa Rogers (She/Her/Hers) | 17-Jan-2024 1:00:00 PM

In the ever-evolving landscape of the modern workplace, fostering an inclusive environment has become imperative for both individual and organizational growth. Allyship, the practice of supporting and advocating for equity-deserving groups, plays a crucial role in creating workplaces that celebrate cultural additions, challenge complacency, and promote justice. As a privileged, white, cis woman navigating the professional realm, my journey toward allyship has been one of self-discovery, education, and a commitment to dismantling systemic barriers. In this short exploration, I will share my experiences, challenges, and triumphs in embracing allyship in the workplace. 

The first step on the path to allyship involves acknowledging and understanding one's own privilege. As a white cis woman, I recognize the inherent privilege that comes with my identity. However, it is essential to emphasize that grappling with privilege has been a reflective process for me – one that I’ve navigated with a commitment to understanding rather than succumbing to shame. By fostering an open dialogue and self-reflection, I’ve strived to contribute to the broader conversation on privilege, aspiring to transform it into actionable steps that promote inclusivity. This mindful approach enables me to confront the complexities of privilege without allowing shame to impede my growth as I act in allyship. It is important to grasp the nuances of how privilege manifests and intersects with various aspects of our lives, impacting our experiences in the workplace. This understanding has been a cornerstone in my allyship journey, prompting me to listen actively, learn continuously, and amplify the voices of those who face systemic oppression. 

True allyship requires a commitment to continuous education. I have immersed myself in literature, workshops, and conversations that broaden my understanding of the experiences of equity-deserving communities. By delving into the historical context of discrimination, the impact of microaggressions, and the subtleties of systemic bias, I have gained valuable insights that inform my actions as an ally. In Being an Ally to Racialized People, I was struck by the topic of the mindset of an Ally and the realization that while I didn’t have it all figured out, allyship is about being committed to non-complacency and choosing to not remain silent. This ongoing education continues to empower me to challenge stereotypes and confront my own unconscious biases. 

One of the most significant lessons in my allyship journey has been the importance of active listening. By creating space for others to share their stories, concerns, and perspectives, I contribute to a workplace environment that is collaborative, innovative, and high-performing. Amplifying the voices of equity-deserving colleagues involves not only hearing their experiences but also actively advocating for their inclusion in decision-making processes. This intentional approach fosters an atmosphere of respect and validation, allowing everyone to feel seen and heard. 

Microaggressions, while subtle and often unintentional, perpetuate stereotypes and contribute to an unsafe and, at times, hostile work environment. As someone who strives to ally, it is my responsibility to recognize and address these microaggressions when I encounter them. This involves speaking up against inappropriate comments, promoting a culture of accountability, and engaging in open conversations about the impact of seemingly harmless actions. I have learned that allyship involves more than just passive empathy; it requires active intervention to create tangible change. This may involve mentorship, sponsorship, or simply being a sounding board for colleagues navigating the challenges of a biased workplace. 

Overcoming Resistance 

Becoming an ally is not without its challenges. Resistance from those who are unaware or dismissive of systemic issues can be disheartening. However, confronting these challenges head-on is crucial for fostering meaningful change. I have encountered skepticism and pushback, but I have also witnessed the power of persistent advocacy and education. I recall an incident with my team regarding the use of inclusive language that inadvertently marginalized certain individuals. While the resistance to change was not overt, there was a prevailing attitude of complacency and a lack of awareness about the impact of language on inclusivity. I began actively listening during team meetings and identifying where language would be exclusive, particularly those from underrepresented groups. I collected examples and sought feedback from colleagues ensuring their experiences were acknowledged and considered in the advocacy process.  Rather than publicly calling out instances of exclusive language, I opted for individual, one-on-one conversations with team members who exhibited such behaviors.  These conversations were framed as educational rather than confrontational, allowing for a more open dialogue about the impact of language on allyship and inclusivity. Couple things I considered when engaging in these conversations included: 

  • Establishing a comfortable and private setting  
  • Beginning with positive observations and acknowledging the team’s shared goals for inclusivity 
  • Sharing specific instances where non-inclusive language was observed – providing context without blame or accusation. 
  • Highlighting the impact on team and individual well-being 
  • Sharing my own personal insights and self-reflection experiences 
  • Allowing for open dialogue and space for questions and concerns. 
  • Expressing gratitude, optimism and shared growth 

 It was a small step that opened ongoing discussions on inclusive language guidelines.  

Collaborative Allyship 

Allyship is most effective when it extends beyond individual efforts and becomes an organizational commitment. Collaborative allyship involves working together to create policies, practices, and a culture that actively promotes diversity and inclusion. This includes advocating for equitable hiring practices, promoting representation within leadership, and fostering a workplace culture that values and celebrates differences.  

Here are some practical steps you can take towards allyship as an individual:  

  • Educate Yourself:  take the initiative to educate yourself about the histories, experiences, and challenges faced by equity-deserving groups. In the Canadian context, this might involve learning about the historical experiences of Indigenous peoples, understanding the impact of immigration policies, and being aware of the challenges faced by 2SLGBTQI+ communities. Check out these workshops to start your learning journey! 
  • Listen Actively:  create space for colleagues to share their experiences and perspectives without judgment. Being there to listen and being that confidant (even if you feel like it’s not your place or that you don’t know much about the conflict), is helpful to coworkers going through a challenging time.  
  • Amplify Marginalized Voices: In meetings, discussions, and decision-making processes, actively amplify the voices of those who might be overlooked. This involves acknowledging and giving credit to the ideas and contributions of colleagues from underrepresented groups. 
  • Challenge Microaggressions: be vigilant about challenging and addressing microaggressions when they occur. This involves not only intervening in the moment but also engaging in broader conversations about the impact of such behaviors on workplace culture. 
  • Advocate for Inclusive Policies: use influence to advocate for policies that promote inclusivity. This might involve pushing for more opportunities to learn from one another, flexible work arrangements to accommodate diverse needs, and benefits that cater to a range of family structures. 
  • Build Genuine Relationships:  go beyond superficial interactions and actively seek to build connections with colleagues who have different lived experiences than themselves. This involves understanding their experiences, celebrating their successes, and providing support during challenges. 
  • Practice Self-Care: People who act as allies are bound to make mistakes on the journey toward cultural understanding. Learning about diverse perspectives is a time-intensive and sometimes uncomfortable process, so be gentle with yourself. Progress may not always be visible to us, but those around us notice. Embracing the vast diversity of groups to ally with, it's crucial to acknowledge areas where more learning is needed. Let go of the tendency to categorize ourselves as solely good or bad—often, the path of allyship resides in the nuanced and evolving space in between. 

Here are some practical steps you can take towards allyship as an organization:  

  • Inclusive Leadership Training: This equips leaders with the knowledge and skills to create environments where allyship can thrive. Leadership commitment is crucial for cascading the principles of allyship throughout the organizational culture. Consider the following workshops: 
  • Diverse Representation: Ensuring diverse representation at all levels of the organization is a tangible way to signal a commitment to inclusivity. Organizations can implement strategies to recruit, retain, and promote individuals from equity-deserving groups. 
  • Regular Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA) Audits: Conducting regular IDEA audits helps organizations assess their progress and identify areas for improvement. These audits can include surveys, focus groups, and data analysis to gauge the experiences of employees and the effectiveness of IDEA initiatives. 
  • Employee Resource Groups: Establishing Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) provides a platform for employees to come together based on shared identities or experiences. These groups can be invaluable in fostering a sense of community and providing feedback to the organization on inclusivity matters. 
  • Resources: Organizations can support allyship by providing resources, such as educational materials, workshops, and mentorship programs. These resources empower employees to actively engage in allyship and contribute to a culture of continuous learning. 

In conclusion, embracing allyship in the workplace as a white, cis woman involves a multifaceted journey of self-discovery, education, and advocacy. Recognizing and understanding my privilege, actively listening to the experiences of others, and amplifying equity-deserving voices are crucial steps in fostering an inclusive environment. By addressing microaggressions, supporting colleagues facing discrimination, and navigating challenges with resilience, I contribute to a workplace culture that values diversity and promotes justice. Collaborative allyship and viewing allyship as a lifelong commitment are integral elements in creating lasting change.

Get Started!

The Break by Katherena Vermette
The Skin We’re In: A Year of Black Resistance and Power by Desmond Cole 
The Power of Allyship in the Workplace by Naia Toke, Diversity for Social Impact  
What is Allyship in the Workplace by Claire Hastwell, Great Place to Work 
Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion 
Canadian Race Relations Foundation 
Inclusion Canada 
The Ally Track - Developed by BBC Academy


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