Hajer Chalghoumi, PhD

Hajer Chalghoumi, PhD

Hajer has a MA degree in education from the University of Sherbrooke, a Ph.D. in special educational psychology from the University of Montreal, a postdoctoral degree in universal design for learning from the Ontario College of Art and Design University and a postdoctoral degree in inclusive research from the University of Ottawa. Her research focuses on evidence-based practice and policy that promote cognitive accessibility and inclusive research with over 50 related scientific publications. Hajer believes in the promise of learning and technology for everyone to thrive. As a certified Instructional Designer (Canadian Association of Instructional Designers), she has a passion for creating accessible and interactive learning solutions. Hajer has more than 20 years of experience designing, developing, delivering, and evaluating adapted training for diverse audiences. She is also an assistive technology specialist and a member of the International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP).